In 2023, Epworth will celebrate 125 years.

The Epworth Foundation is proud to be spearheading a
125 Giving Campaign with the goal of raisin
ZAR 1,25 million in the school’s 125th year.



Help a girl achieve greatness

Support broader access to world class education in South Africa and receive generous tax benefits.


Help a girl achieve greatness through your company

There are many ways you can partner with the Epworth Foundation. We are very happy to customize a programme for you or you can choose one of our 3 most popular corporate giving methods:


Matching gifts is a wonderful way to get your employees involved in giving! The Epworth Foundation would love to meet your employees to share more about the Epworth Foundation as your company’s possible charity of choice.

Should you choose our cause, we would then request you match your employees’ gifts on a 1:1 ratio with certain of our campaign revenues.

Organise a fundraiser for the
Epworth Foundation

The Epworth Foundation aims for a broad donor base of supporters all over the globe. Your company can help us to access further support from people in your field. Whether you are based in London or Tokyo, Alaska or Tasmania, your employees can help by organizing a fundraising dinner, fun run, sports event, an auction on any other fundraiser to assist our girls to achieve greatness.

A cash donation
from your company

We are appeal especially to our local Pietermaritzburg and KwaZulu Natal businesses to consider a gift to the Epworth Foundation. Support broader access to world class education in South Africa and receive generous tax benefits.

Wills/Trusts/Life Insurance

Help a girl achieve greatness

Bequests are donations that are made through a will or a living trust. You can donate to The Epworth Foundation (EF) through your estate planning by naming EF in your will for a specific amount or percentage share in your estate.

Please find links to our codicils:
Codicil Special Bequest sum of template PDF
Codicil Special Bequest percentage of template PDF

Another way to donate to EF is to name our organization as the beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance plan. This is a low-cost option, and your premium payments may be tax-deductible. EF must be named as the owner and beneficiary of the insurance policy for it to be tax-deductible.

Bequest Sample Language
The following are suggested forms for bequests that may be used by a testator or lawyer when writing a bequest to The Epworth Foundation (EF).

A Specific Legacy
“I give and bequeath my collection of “state item here” to The Epworth Foundation Young Women of worth Programme, I BELIEVE IN EPWORTH TRUST P/BAG, X 08 SCOTTSVILLE, 3209, South Africa.

An Unrestricted Gift
“I give and bequeath to The Epworth Foundation Young Women of Worth Programme, I BELIEVE IN EPWORTH TRUST P/BAG, X 08 SCOTTSVILLE, 3209, South Africa, the sum of R (or % of my estate; or the property described herein) for its general purposes.”

A Restricted Gift
“I give and bequeath to The Epworth Foundation Young Women of Worth Programme, I BELIEVE IN EPWORTH TRUST P/BAG, X 08 SCOTTSVILLE, 3209, South Africa, the sum of R (or % of my estate) to be used for (specify purpose).

Important: EF urges you to consult with your legal advisors in the drafting of your will. The above information is to serve as a guideline only and not as a substitute for professional legal counsel. Your legal counsel can advise you on the most appropriate way to remember EF in your will.

Documents to download
Pledge Form
Debit Order Form

Bank Details & Zapper

Annually, Monthly or Once-Off Donation/s via EFT or Zapper on our website.

Bank details


Account Name: Epworth Foundation Trust
Bank: FNB Midlands Mall
Account No.: 62498980046
Branch Code: 257355
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ (For donors living abroad)
Reference: Name/YWOW

The Epworth Foundation Trust is a registered NPO 031-368/ PBO 930004892 / Section 18A (1) (a) approved.
If you require a tax exemption (Section 18A) certificate for your donation, please email: