HS Newsletter, Term 2 2021, Edition 1
There was very little notice of inter-school activities resuming ahead of the start of Term
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From the Business Manager's Desk
Change and the opportunities it brings Epworth started this year with the new leadership changes
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HS Newsletter, Term 1 2021, Edition 2
It feels like just the other day that we were compiling the newsletter for the
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Prep Newsletter, Half Term ~ Term 2 2021
It has been wonderful having the children attend assembly this term on Monday mornings (in
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Prep Newsletter, Term 2 2021
What a wonderful feeling it is to be energised by the positive, enthusiastic vibe that
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Prep Newsletter, end Term 1 2021
As we near the end of the 1st term of 2021, I would like to
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From the Epworth Board of Governors, 2021
Thank you to the many families who have returned for the 2021 academic year, entrusting
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Prep Newsletter, Term 1 2021
It certainly feels like we have had to wait a very long time to officially
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Prep Newsletter Term 4 2020, Final
We have made it! It almost feels like we have achieved the impossible and got
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HS Newsletter Term 4 2020, Edition 2
Dr Seuss: “The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that
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Transformation Update, 03 November 2020
Amidst this busy season of final functions and exams, we continue to navigate our journey
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HS Newsletter Term 4 2020, Edition 1 Final
Term four seems to be flying by and it is hard to believe that we
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