Supporting Girls Education Through Epworth Bursaries

The Epworth Foundation is privileged to have the guidance and support of numerous donors, who lean in generously to support bursaries at Epworth.

Linda Heath

Matriculated from Epworth:  1978

Tertiary Education:
B LLB UKZN (previously University of Natal) RSA
Cand. Jur. (Master of Laws), University of Aarhus, Denmark
Diploma in Financial Regulation and Compliance, University of Reading, UK

Click here to read more on Linda Heath

Disebo Makatsa

Matriculated from Epworth:  2002

Tertiary Education:
BSc. Natural Sciences (Geosciences), UP (University of Pretoria)
PDM Wits Business School, University of the Witwatersrand
MBA Wits Business School, University of the Witwatersrand

Click here to read more on Disebo Makatsa