Head of School letter re #BlackLivesMatter- 14 June 2020
Epworth stands firmly behind the #blacklivesmatter movement which campaigns against systematic and implicit racism. South
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Prep Newsletter Term 1 2020
From the Principal’s desk With our President declaring a national disaster because of Covid-19, our
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Prep Newsletter Term 1 2020, Half Term
From the Principal’s desk BE THE I IN KiND It is hard to believe that
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Prep Newsletter Term 2 2020
From the Principal’s desk Eight and a half weeks can fly when you are having
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Prep Newsletter Term 2 2020, Half Term
From the Principal’s desk It seems rather strange to be writing to you before our
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HS Newsletter Term 1 2020, Edition 1
From the Head of School’s desk A successful year at school is filled with expectations
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HS Newsletter Term 2 2020, Edition 1
From the Head of School’s Desk We have reached half-term in term two of 2020.
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