Cathy Hewison (nee Jones)

Tell us about your life now?

From Cathy Hewison (nee Jones):

I am married (17 years this year) to a wonderful man and have three gorgeous, challenging, intelligent, happy, enegergetic children, aged 6, 9 and 13. I am the owner and Principal of a Montessori Pre-School in KZN, and also have a small bookkeeping business, both of which are run from home. Although I am 44 this year and graduated from Epworth almost 27 years ago now, it still seems like yesterday !!! I am still in contact with many of my old Epworth friends, thanks to Facebook and we had a wonderful time celebrating our 25th Reunion last year, where some of our friends travelled from as far as Australia to be with us. We chatted non-stop the whole weekend and it felt as though we had never been apart !!

Share one memorable experience you had at Epworth?

Wow !!! How can I share just one memorable experience … there are sooooo many !!! There are so many things that I loved about being at Epworth. Although it took me a couple of years to really settle into the whole boarding school thing … by the time Matric came I did not want to leave. My years at Epworth taught me so much !!! How to live and be friends with all sorts of people, to be independent and stand up for what I believe in, forced me to learn different sports (even though I wasnt the sporty type), taught me to do ballroom dancing (thanks to our Vogue Ball), gave me a strong moral and ethical foundation and so many friends that I have for life now, even though we dont get to see each other very often. I guess one of my funniest memories was when we were in Standard 9 I think, and we had Mr. Harrison for our Geography teacher.

He was such a fun teacher to have and was happy to go against the grain a bit and do things a bit differently. We were all busy knitting squares to be donated to a local organisation who was going to sew them up into blankets for the less fortunate and some of the teachers were quite happy for us to continue in class sometimes. On this one particular occasion, he commented on the fact that we were knitting in his class and offered to help us out. Of course we didnt believe that he could, so one of the girls took their knitting up to him to give it a try. He promptly surprised us by asking “What row are you on now ? Knit or Purl ? We all burst into fits of laughter as he then proceeded to attempt to finish the row ! He was a wonderful teacher !!

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