The Epworth Edge

April 2020 – Issue 1



Entering 2020 on the wings of a successful 2019 gave me much to smile about, as this Term 1 picture shows. Yet more wonderful donors leant in these past 12 -18 months to support talented and deserving young women of worth with an Epworth High School education, gifting these girls with an inalienable ‘passport to possibility’. By the end of Term 1 – our world changed. A pandemic has swept across the globe and now, as I write, humanity is rocked to its core. Many times in my life, as a past Epworth girl, I have drawn strength for challenges from Epworth’s magnificent motto and certain strong hymn lines to bring guidance and peace. As we look to an uncertain future, our FAITH (Fida) reminds us GOD is with us through this; HUMANA (Compassion) keeps our hearts and hopes interconnected in spite of our pain and fear, and FORTIS (Courage) asks us simply to show up and be counted, wherever and however we can.

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