The Epworth Edge

April 2021 – Issue 1

In South Africa, April month dedicates a national public holiday to salute the many brave and courageous souls who have stood, walked or run for the concept of FREEDOM, and still do so – daily.
At Epworth, education is valued amongst the greatest of human rights and the pathway to responsible FREEDOM.
The Epworth Foundation is proud to raise awareness and funds for BURSARIES that broaden the base of access to the good and sound education our school has provided for 123 years.

Heading towards our 125th year in 2023, servicing humanity through education, we invite you to meet a few of our alumnae and donors who are true examples of some of the GREAT SOCIETAL LEADERS associated with Epworth School.

Even through this COVID storm, Epworth continues to shine its light through our young, holistically-educated learners and graduates, appreciating that a real-world education is arguably Life’s greatest gift of FREEDOM.
In the light and warmth of the Easter message, we invite you to enjoy this newsletter with us.

To God be the Glory!

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