Shining the Light with Dr Jessica Fryer

Matriculated from Epworth:  2012
Tertiary Education: MBChB University of Pretoria
Professional Experience:  Medical Intern (2019-2020) Community Service Medical Officer (2020)
Lives/2021:  Winterton, KZN, RSA

Most distinctive benefit of an Epworth education in Jessica’s view:

What I benefited most from my time at Epworth was the support and space provided to decide who I wanted to be. Epworth cultivates an environment of respect and care for other people that allowed me to grow both academically and emotionally. It also made me try to pass on that respect and care to others.

Why Jess chose to pay it forward by donating to the Epworth Foundation (**):

I have nearly a decade of memories of those Epworth halls and fields. Since leaving I’ve spoken to people about their schools and childhoods and only grown exponentially more grateful for what I received. That I was able to go to a school where I was supported, heard and respected is a true privilege in this world and only emphasized the need for me to emulate those values.

I’ve been extremely blessed, by family and friends and good health and I count Epworth as one of the greatest blessings of my life. I’m also fortunate enough to be in a position to help give someone else the opportunity to be nurtured in the same way.

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