Matriculated from Epworth: 2002
Tertiary Education:
BSc. Natural Sciences (Geosciences), UP (University of Pretoria)
PDM (Postgraduate Diploma in Management), Wits Business School, University of the Witwatersrand
MBA (Masters in Business Administration), Wits Business School, University of the Witwatersrand
Professional Experience: I have worked in the mining industry for a total of 6 years with various technical positions ranging from being the technical assistant to the CEO to being Group Projects Manager for companies such as Central Rand Gold, Shanduka and Pan African Resources. Upon completing my MBA at the age of 26, I moved into the world of business whereby currently, I am a supplier of specialised goods and services for both government and the private sector. These services, to name a few, include consulting, cleaning programmes & school feeding schemes.
Lives: Bryanston, Johannesburg
Most distinctive benefit of an Epworth education in (donor’s) view:
The most distinctive benefit of an Epworth education for me is definitely the independence it instilled in us to not only believe but to do whatever it is we (as the girls of Epworth) set our minds on. Fida Humana Fortis (Faith Compassion Courage), are words that remain true and impactful to me even to this day. Not only were we taught that faith helps us to believe in the good of others but that compassion and empathy helps us to care for all those around us; and lastly the courage to aim for change and be bold in decisions wherever they are needed. These values I believe hold true for every girl child. My career has seen me sit in many rooms with my male counterparts and I being the only female. The mining industry for years has been known to be like this. However, in these rooms, one thing remained constant, I stood out and that can only be attributed to the education, independence, courage and most importantly the humility that Epworth instilled in me. The courage I had to start my own business at a young age and to believe that the tools and skills acquired in my education are sufficient enough to make me a success, can only be attributed to the principles instilled in me as a young Epworth girl. For this, I will forever be grateful.
Why (donor) is choosing to pay it forward by donating to the Epworth Foundation (**):
I grew up in a township where opportunities to receive an Epworth education were slim to none. However, through the hard work of my single mother, I was not only able to get out of the township and attend a school like Epworth, I later became the Head Girl in 2002.That has to speak volumes about Epworth and the essential role it plays in women from all walks of life. Epworth did not see my background or upbringing as an obstacle to becoming anything I wanted to be, instead they pushed and encouraged me to be the best I could be. For that, I would love to see another disadvantaged girl from the rural areas or township receive the same education that I received and to see how they excel in their own light. A good and sound education opens many doors to important rooms, but an Epworth education keeps you in those rooms to break the glass ceiling!