Shining the Light with Sunusha Moodley

Epworthian, currently serving on Epworth’s Board of Governors and Epworth High School’s debating coach

Sunusha’s message:

As the women of this world, we need to do our best to support each other and invest in the education of the girl child.

Women in every country often have a more difficult path to success and happiness. This trend needs to be broken and women will be at the forefront of this. The root of this is education, educating young girls is the key to creating gender equality and attempting to eradicate poverty.

This Women’s month let’s celebrate each other while remembering that the push for equality is not over and that our voices united can be incredibly powerful.

I have chosen to donate to the Epworth Foundation because it believes in broadening the base of access to an Epworth education by funding bursaries.

My time at Epworth made me into the young woman that I am today because I was given an excellent education and I was believed in.

Donating to the Foundation helps give this experience and opportunity to other young women.

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